Raffi Shahbaz Nazarian

Raffi Shahbaz Nazarian is a director and screenwriter. He received his degree from the St. Joost Art Academy in Breda (Netherlands). Raffi is of Armenian descent and was born in Tehran (Iran) on July 28, 1992. He has lived in the Netherlands since 1993 and is based in Breda. Raffi speaks English, Dutch, and Armenian fluently.

After graduating from the art academy, Raffi directed and wrote the satirical sketch DE ZWARTEPIETENDISCUSSIE-DISCUSSIE in 2019.
Within 24 hours, the sketch went viral and was viewed more than 100,000 times on and YouTube.

Raffi's film style is characterized by showing perspectives that we normally don't see or even dare to consider. He enjoys combining elements that are worlds apart, resulting in the creation of unique stories.